Can I simply liquidize 500g of low-fat curd cheese and drink it, or will that cause complications?
Normally I eat it creamy with fruit
Normally I eat it creamy with fruit
Heyy, Maybe someone knows what the following things cost approximately: (Feel free to contact me if you only know one thing) horse treadmill Aqua trainer Horse walker with water Swimming lane for horses Thank you in advance!
Hello, I know that this is a somewhat unnecessary and strange question, but I am very interested in whether one gains weight if one lies down after eating, i.e. not sleep but just lie down. whether this disturbs digestion in any way
How many grams does a piece of pizza from the baked goods have in net and how many kcal approximately
Fried noodles, 1 bread roll and yoghurt, that's it bkm relatively thin
Hi everyone, some friends spontaneously invited me to a pasta-eating contest. Do you have any tips for me? I have one hour to see who can lose 1 kg (raw weight) first. Which pasta is best? I usually only eat whole wheat, so it's obviously not ideal here.^^
No problem. I’m eating Magerquark yoghurt. A little water mixed with 250g magerquark, 56g oat flakes and a banana.
I get “a fleet” relatively quickly with such “mass” on lactose. If you don’t have a problem with it, you can make your magic jar more liquid with milk or the like.
Nothing to add to the Council for self-testing.
half the amount is sufficient per day
you can stir it with mineral water
That’s not enough for my one arm
Don’t you do that again, or do you just feed on one side?
recommended are 0.8g per kilo of body weight per day and protein sources there are also others in diet
No. I’ll eat dinner, and this is my dessert, among other things. But it happens every 3-4 days. 250g magequark are 30g protein. I need the whole package
It’s boring.
That’s not a problem
Making Börek
No. This is too much fat and carbohydrates
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