Kann ich 30 kg schaffen?

Also erstmal Hallo! Ich bin … und bin 13 jahre geworden! Ich wiege ungefähr 46 bis 52 kg jenachdem ob ich mehr oder weniger esse! 1,64 m bin ich groß! Ich würde gerne 30kg erreichen! Das Problem ist nur es ist super schwierig und ich habe schon tausende diäten gemacht und am ende doch mich vollgestopft mit essen weil ich es nicht mehr ausgehalten habe! Ich habe jetzt nochmal von vorne angefangen und nehme mir vor mein Ziel zu schaffen!

Aber was denkt ihr kann ich das schaffen? Ist das Notwendig? Manche aus meiner Klasse sind zwar jünger oder sind kleiner aber trotzdem frage ich mich wie alle zwischen 33-43kg wiegen können?!

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10 months ago


with your weight you can be completely satisfied, with 1.64m are 46-52 kg super. You’re not super stupid, because that doesn’t look really nice anymore. If you have 30 kg with 1,64m, you have a damn big problem, because that’s too little, especially in your age. I’m just as old as you, and as big as you, even if that’s because I’m very strong since I’ve been doing five Ju- Jutsu, self-defense or martial sports. But still, ask yourself, do you really do that because you don’t feel comfortable with the weight, or because your classmates are lighter than you? And be aware of this: even a small difference in size can sometimes be quite a big difference. But, please, never try to reach the 30 kg. This is no longer healthy for you, and if you don’t care, you can quickly become magical, which can end fatal very quickly, even if you don’t believe it right now – it’s really dangerous. You’re super as you are! It’s about you feeling comfortable, not about how others are and what they do.

LG Tarkia

10 months ago
Reply to  Hiiiiiiii13

Hii, always likes to <3 tu das^ yes, I am huge K-Pop fan, and likes most BTS, but also BP, Skz, Ive etc^^ cool:)

10 months ago

Don’t worry.

You are in puberty, in growth, and your body needs more energy. To put you down on a child’s weight can be fatal, but will definitely have a negative impact on you and your body that you still suffer in years and decades.

10 months ago

You have already answered the question, your classmates weigh as little as they are smaller.

It is impossible and life-threatening, but not even fatal for you to achieve such a weight.

10 months ago

I wouldn’t advise you to realize this goal, your weight is just completely normal and okay. Lg

10 months ago

I know it.. and yes, it is. But sweetheart, you’re in a bite of eating. Don’t do that. Your weight is completely OK, please don’t define your appearance. It will make your soul sick

9 months ago

So you want to be magical. I wonder how it comes that your parents violate their supervisory obligation that you come up with such traumatic ideas. You may weigh 50kg, not less.

To get on your ideal weight without jojo effect, you should be smart about separating food, you don’t need to starve, but pay attention to the combination of food.

10 months ago


Gostu therapy.

10 months ago

You have normal weight just because someone else weighs less you don’t have to weigh less.

5 months ago

No you’re perfect as you are and 30 kilos are too little as well as everything is normal in weight

10 months ago

Hello stay as you are, you only hurt yourself, don’t look at the others each person is a unique and not thought to imitate

10 months ago

No, you can’t, because you’re too big for weight and it’s not necessary. Unless you’re dying.

10 months ago
Reply to  Hiiiiiiii13

Yeah, you’d be close to death with 30kg.

10 months ago

There is the 18kg woman, whether you want it

10 months ago

And if everyone’s stupid, you want that too?

10 months ago
Reply to  Hiiiiiiii13

So. I want you to feel physically good, that’s all. The environment or the whole society will talk to you in between or prosper or affect you for a long time, with it being largely made up of people who are more careless, ugly, immoral than you. Don’t even start adapting yourself

10 months ago

That’s sick! Please find help.