Kann Hirsutismus mein Gesicht männlicher machen?

Ich habe Hirsutismus und mein Cousin meinte gerade ich bin ein Mann, was mich echt verletzt hat

Nicht einmal habe ich das gehört, gleichzeitig sagen auch sehr viele das sie nicht wissen was die meinen, weil sie mein Gesicht deutlich wie eine Frau sehen.

Ich wollte fragen ob mein hoher Testosteronwert eine Rolle spielen könnte?

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8 months ago

Hello, first of all, the facial features are set during the development before the birth. It also gitb women with massively increased testosterone that have a totally female face.

I think your cousin is rather ruthless and needs to insult other people or (indirectly) as inferior to feel better… I wouldn’t take his testimony so seriously.

By the way, I find the term “hirsutism” disrespectful also in a certain way… some women simply have a stronger body hair from nature (from their predisposition) and then somehow to place it as a “sickness”, I find deeply unharmed. That’s what we had in the Third Reich at the time that bodies were considered to be inferior due to their physical characteristics…

You are also with a strong hair and a high testosterone value (if you really have the soltest) a full-fledged woman and earned respect! It is best to separate (at least emotionally) from the people who cannot afford this respect…

8 months ago

Hirsutism is understood to mean a very strong hair growth in women, which is more similar to the male hair pattern. Characteristic is a “women bar” or hair on chest and back. A cause for this is too many male sex hormones.

PS. Tell your cousin next time. “You look like a whistle face” and then he’s a barber!


8 months ago
Reply to  Hilfeeeeee0

In the form of your face nothing can change due to the hormone disorder. The Skelletare construction plan of your skeletal cells remains the same for XX chromosomes.

So don’t worry. Your facial form will most likely be the same as it should be.

8 months ago

Listen to it for the first time. What is that? But a high testosterone level can certainly trigger such things. Women with many male hormones are usually also more hairy and have a stronger female bar.

8 months ago
Reply to  Hilfeeeeee0

Then I wasn’t completely wrong. You never learn. How old is your cousin? You usually joke about things when you’re immature and you just don’t understand. Don’t let him finish you.