Kann fruchtblase tropfenweise ohne wehen kommen?
Guten Morgen,
Das ist meine erste schwangerschaft und ich bin heute 37+2 ssw ich hab seit Montag eigentlich wehen, ich dachte das sind senkwehen. heute früh ist mir etwas Flüssigkeit zwischen den Beinen gelaufen eindeutig kein Urin, musste auch nicht aber wen das fruchtwasser ist wieso habe ich jetzt keine wehen? Mein Arzt öffnet erst um 7:30uhr für mich ist die Frage können die wehen noch in den nächsten Stunden kommen? was ich noch nicht gemacht hab ist ne Klinik Tasche packen? Sollte ich das heute tun?
sit on the toilet and move the lower body slowly forward and back and side, like a kind of belly dancer in sitting.
If there’s something going on at this movement, it’s fruit water, then there’s a crack somewhere. There are no hurts. Then you should introduce yourself to the hospital, but not as an emergency!
If there is a drop-wise loss, this will prove to be something. Should be observed.
A very reasonable answer 👍🏼. Thank you for that.
Good morning,
best 116 117 call and ask, to pack the hospital bag immediately if you don’t have to go to the KH safely in the next days.
Call the Rescue
Isn’t there an emergency?
No, you don’t have to call the rescue! The answer is wrong! Only if the complete fertilizer water goes off in a tumult.
Apparently already
My mother went to KKH at that time with labor, because my father was on night shift 🤣
I also think the distress call is totally superfluous here even who would actually go away the baby does not come immediately and you have time to come to the hospital my question was just to hospital bag and whether I “possibly” have to expect birth today instead of 2-3 weeks
No! Here the 116 117 is completely sufficient. Please finally learn the 112 of NOTHING FOR NOTHING, that is HERZINFARKT, SCHLAGANFALL and the like.
Many people could still live today if people wouldn’t call an ambulance for every little shit
Thank you