Kann es sein, dass ich Eisenmangel habe?
In den letzten Wochen/Monaten, ist mir aufgefallen, wie man auf dem Bild sieht, dass mein Gesicht immer blasser wird, meine Tränenrinne wird tiefer, meine Augenringe “dunkler, meine “Lachfalten” werden tiefer. Auf einem Fingernagel hatte ich auch einen kleinen weissen Fleck, der jetzt rausgewachsen ist. Jeden Morgen habe ich extrem Durst, leichte Kopfschmerzen und ein trockener Hals. Sind das Anzeichen für einen EIsenmangel, ich bin auch Vegetarier.
There may be signs of malnutrition, but it can be a doctor. Just go and see what he says. Doctors are here.
Yes I had an iron deficiency so 2-3 years ago, and there I had not such symptoms
Then from the doctor or unfortunately, as is often the case with a “one-side” diet, take supplements. Ask a doctor, clarify the situation and take any food containing iron to you. Spinach as an example and if you’re looking on the Internet, there are a few more.
All right thanks
Yes, that can be letting on all cases make a blood picture
You have to let the doctor clear
If you’re a vegetarian, you’ll probably know that in the long term there are certain nutrients and vitamins that the body needs. This is also true for vegans. Now that you have certain assumptions that you have iron deficiency, only shows that you have not sufficiently inquired about it. The best thing will be to do a blood test so you’re on the safe side. Only then do you know what nutrients or vitamins you lack. You can then work to counteract this. Now making any guesses brings absolutely nix. You can try to answer the question of what the raven has in common with the desk.
I checked my blood count in the beginning of the year. There was actually all right, iron was a bit low but still in the normal range. That’s why I’m not sure my iron values have fallen vaguely
That’s why you should be sure and make a new blood pattern. Then maybe take some iron tablets. But talk to the doctor before.
YES I will thank hahaha
Please put the internet with your pictures. It is enough to describe your concern with words. Adjectives help.
Please leave the Internet with your comments. It’s just enough to be calm and scroll on. Intelligence helps.
But there are much worse pictures 🫣
This may be a sign of iron deficiency, it may be an indication of all possible deficiencies, it may be a sign of sleep problems, it may be a sign of stress and all possible other mental problems. This can be all and nothing, and a doctor will be able to help you.
lg up
That’s what the doctor tells you by blood?