Kann es sein dass ein Mensch der keine Bindung zu seinen Eltern in der Kinder bzw Jugend hatte auch keine langfristige Bindung zu einem Partner aufbauen kann?
Ich hab nun öfters die Beobachtung gemacht dass Menschen die keine vernünftige Bindung zu ihren Eltern in ihrer Kindheit bzw Jugend hatten dann im jungen Erwachsenen Alter keine langfristige Bindung zu einem Partner aufbauen können… sie betrügen öfter und wechseln öfters ihre Partner im durchschnitt… ist da was dran und wenn ja wie hängt das zusammen … oder ist das Zufall dass ich diese Beobachtung bei verschiedenen Menschen in meinem Umfeld gemacht hab ?
I think it’s a coincidence. I never had a relationship with my parents, but more changeable at the partner’s choice or I’m not cheating. I’m more complicated. I have more problems finding this one person and constantly totally afraid to lose them. So I think it has made me rather a crack in the direction of loss or something instead of one in the direction I can’t enter any bonds. Because I never had it before, I want it all the more. So don’t think it’s due to the lack of binding to parents that people cheat more often
Fraud is nothing that I can do well by an excuse “falling education” but a conscious decision that no matter who can make and therefore not to apologize
As a causal connection? No.
Binding capacity does not depend on parents as black and white. There are more than enough counter-examples.
I had no relationship with my parents in childhood/young and can still establish a long-term relationship with a partner.
So it can be, but it doesn’t have to.
this can happen according to Freud – generally called binding disorder but as I said cannot have to. It can also happen that in some form one becomes much more dependent or, depending on sexuality, only seeks relationships with much older partners.
Either you only met Asis who have randomly shared the circumstance of the abandoned parental bond or you’re n bissi broken. Not mean evil, but how can you more often the bond to parents find out that this conclusion would be right?
My father died when I was 7. My mother was often in the baby age hospital with my little sister (over 8 surgical interventions at age 1-3). So I’m saying that my bond was disturbed.
Nevertheless, I place a very high priority on loyalty and trust.
By finding out the connection to their parents from several people, it is clear
That’s it. Hans never learns what Hänschen did not learn.
This belief has long been refuted. That would mean that you could not learn or change anything in life as an individual adult. Certainly one is characterized by parents, unfortunately sometimes also by bad ones. But – if you understand it in adulthood, you can be and make the life of your next generation better.
That’s not right. I had no tie to my parents, but very well to my partner and other important people in my life and do not cheat.
You shouldn’t always put everything on your parents, because you’re really involved in how to develop.