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1 year ago

It’s better, of course, if you have contracts on your name, with which you always pay, you build a solid credit.

Otherwise there are still tips for you

2 years ago

Apart from that, it is not necessarily good for your parents to let everything go over you (you have to change everything at some point and ignorance how what is going is not helpful) it should not actually affect your shed as long as the costs are always served. Problematic tends:

  • A lousy residential area (probably one is grouped with NAchbarn as regards payment behaviour)
  • Frequent account changes
  • Rejected credit requests (if you want to have real and no prepaid credit cards)
  • Credit repayment problems

Suppose your bad score comes from all the credit card requests, these may have been rejected to low income. Creditworthiness also includes the level of income and an azuubic salary can be below it. Penalty is probably 1340 net in 2023. You deserve it and want a real credit card and no prepaid can be the reason.