Kann es bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs sein?
Kann es Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs sein?
Ich 47 Jahre alt habe sein gut 3 Monate starke rückenschmerzen mittleren und oberhalb des Rückens🥺 jetzt habe ich natürlich Angst 🥺 nur wegen den Rückenschmerzen 🥺
Ist die Sorge berechtigt? 🥺
War schon bei Arzt gewesen wegen den Rückenschmerzen der sagte nur es wäre was eingeklemmt gewesen. Und an der Halswirbelsäule wurde ein MRT gemacht da wurde ein nervenkanal der zu eng ist festgestellt , war schon beim Osteopathen war schon in der wirbelsäulenklinik war bei zwei Orthopäden alle geben mir nur schmerzmittel und nichts weiteres 😞
Wärme salben helfen nur kurz und dann kommt der Schmerz wieder 😞
Also könnte das bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs sein?
Ich habe echt Angst 🥺
With 47 one should know that one does not get a second opinion from random people in a lay forum, but from a doctor.
There are more realistic causes for chronic back pain than direct cancer.
Sorry I asked
You were with the doctor, had in-depth investigations, you’re a diagnosis, and you’re asking us now?
Because you gogled?
You could also be pregnant.
Sorry I asked
Do a therapy against your hypochondrite
And until then: listen to any symptoms googling
All right then work there thanks for the tip
Sure they are there. You have a diagnosis, too.
The intensity depends not only on this, but also on your psyche
All right I understood ðŸ ̃‰ but still the back pain is there
Short story:
I’m a doctor because I had terrible back pain. In the middle of the chest.
Then I’m a doctor to let that go because it was unusual for me at this point. Then the machine started: suspicion of bone metastases (I had breast cancer 8 years before). X-ray, CT, bone incigraphy, drop blood on the oncologist…
And the two weeks before Christmas. Including a whole family of fear and concern.
In the end: only bracing. From the cookies and the thus uninhabited posture
And believe me, in these two weeks I had a backache. After diagnosis, it was as harmless as a light muscle cat
Psyche’s doing so much with one. You concentrate 24/7 on your body. Every picks, every pain, every stab, everything. And that’s what makes you sick.
You’re full of the hump. Not only language
All right thanks for the hint
You have a disc incident
And with your massive fear in your back you are permanently tensed.
No wonder
But these aren’t anxious, but no matter what, I really have back pain and that’s been three months ago 😞