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Was ist für euch eine gesunde Ernährung?
Hallo, was macht für euch eine sehr gesunde Ernährung aus?
Yes, especially if the blood sugar level drops, it becomes delicate!
For too little sugar (glucose) in the body may lead to the sugar coma to death.
This usually happens only when you are sick of diabetes.
You should eat regularly at the usual times, eat slowly to reach the fullness early and sustainably.
Good luck! 🍀
Thank you.
Your body then does not get nutrients that it can convert into energy. You always notice when you’re sick. There is a generally bad situation with, among other things, dizziness; also because one has no hunger and the body needs rest.
Thank you.
Yes, it can be dizzy with hunger, which is red alert, because the brain is not supplied with valuable nutrients, calories, and the mentality decreases. The blood sugar drops, which can lead to dizziness, sweating, powerlessness.
The organs are also working on asparagus.
That is why enough calories should be eaten in puberty. These are more calories than taking adults.
As an example: 12 year old girls 2,200 calories, 15-18 year old 2,500 calories.
So, if you’re tired of getting out of an escalation, it’s hard and associated with a lot of pain.
In puberty one should not make diets because the body and mind should develop.
Good for you.
Thank you.
Luckily, you’re not ill with Diabtes. No sugar coma will come.
Yes, feelings of dizziness in hunger are common and are completely normal.
Thank you.
Yeah, that can happen. In the case of hunger, circulatory problems can occur, and this also leads to dizziness.
Thank you.
Yes, of course. That’s quite normal.
Thank you.
Yes, as with heat, you can get dizzy or bad on hunger.
Thank you.
Not so sturdy people can certainly react so if they have eaten too little to nothing!
Thank you.
With hunger, not appetite, a strong drop in blood sugar is often accompanied and this can cause dizziness.
Thank you.
Of course.
Okay, thanks.
If you don’t eat enough, the blood sugar level licks into the cellar. This can be expressed in dizziness. A lack of liquid is also possible cause of dizziness. Just as important as eating enough, it is to drink plenty of water. Lackernaehrung-11-anzeichen#:~:text=Dir%20ist%20oft%20deskwindlig,es%2C%20many%20water%20zu%20trinken.
Thank you.