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Yeah, like any other diet, if you do it wrong. Pommes with ketchup and Schokopudding are also vegan. We probably don’t have to discuss how healthy this is?
In principle, however, it is not harmful.
Yeah, she can.
Yes, if it does not contain the necessary nutrients.
It can be just as harmful to children as a non-vegan diet.
Vegan works in every situation of life if you have previously informed yourself:
It is very difficult to design a good diet for children with such severe limitations.
A vegetarian food with milk and egg and sometimes a sin is the best.
Every form of one-sided diet is problematic in children.
yes can be harmful, just like a diet with only liver cheese. For children, I would prefer a normal diet of a vegan if you don’t know twice, shortage nutrition in small children can have really bad consequences.
About Anna
Malnutrition is harmful. But you can also get meat sausages and toast bread.
No, if you know what to cook. Feeding children vegan is always the best decision. The Mobile App: “Simple Vegan” is very helpful if you have problems
Yes, because children are in development phases and the body needs certain nutrients
Yeah, sure, stop messing up and give your kids something decent to eat.
This is irresponsible.
Yes, please don’t feed vegans.
Good luck!