Kann eine Katze erfrieren?

Hallo ihr Lieben

ich bin gerade mit meiner Familie im Urlaub und eine Freundin passt auf unseren 5 jährigen Kater auf (Freigänger aber nur am Tag). Er wollte heute Abend nicht ins Haus als sie ihn reinlassen wollte, auch nach über einer Stunde ausprobieren! Es hat diese Nacht 3 Grad und nun wollte ich fragen ob ihm das irgendwie schaden könnte. Bitte antwortet schnell ich mache mir echt Sorgen.
Liebe Grüße


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1 year ago

If he is a fitter, healthy walker with fur change, and gets winter fur, he also gets good at 3 degrees, but of course it is also individual.
My old hangover was out day-to-night, even with snow and wind, never disturbed him, as he was a real free-goer with all of it.
It is best if you can put a padded slip outside, a good cardboard with an opening and some upholstery can be enough if it is not wet.
Healthy cats with winter fur, which are also accustomed to this also come out with lesser temperatures, as said but also all individuals depend.
It also depends on the cold.
Dry colds can be better tolerated than if it is additionally wet and sluggish, that then also goes to the kidneys at some point.

1 year ago

Couldn’t be dangerous. If he gets too cold, he’ll find a shelter.

1 year ago
Reply to  Squishmallow

Or just stay in motion. Cats are night-active.

1 year ago

No, don’t worry, my cats have always spent the German winter outside.

1 year ago

In principle, a cat can freeze. But the cat is not stupid either. She’ll be looking for a shelter.

1 year ago

That’s not a problem. He has a thick (winter)Fell.

1 year ago

No cats cannot survive in an environment below 15 degrees. Your friend is a real animal torturer. Does she think that caterpillars of predators living in the forest originate?