Kann eine Handy Kamera das Gesicht verzerren?

Also ich habe mit ein Bild von mir mit einem realme Handy gemacht (das hat schlechte Qualität) und eins mit einem i phone 13 pro

bei dem realme sah mein Gesicht vollkommen deformiert aus meine Nase war doppelt so groß und mein Gesicht mega schief und meine Augen voller Schatten und klein ! Beim iPhone sah ich vollkommen normal aus fast wie im Spiegel mein Gesicht ist zwar nicht 100% symmetrisch aber auch nicht schief und krumm ! Beide Bilder hab ich draußen im selben Licht und Winkel und Abstand gemacht. Möchte wissen ob das realme mein Gesicht verzerrt haben kann oder ob das der Wahrheit entspricht. Sorry für den langen Text .danke für die Antworten schonmal

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2 years ago

Can come to several things. Can it be that a cell phone mirrored your face and the other one didn’t?

Different cell phones are often used for selfies or when people are detected completely different color corrections, so an image with a Google Pixel looks quite different than one with an iPhone or one with an S22 Ultra. Where you’re feeling better, it’s pretty personal.

Here, for example, the iPhone has brightened up the colors strongly and the skin tones moved into the yellowish, which probably does not correspond to the reality but has a lot more pleasant effect.

2 years ago

Mobile phone cameras Also have AI (modern phones) they appreciate what is for them also most handys stick have a beauty filter in

2 years ago
Reply to  Lululala603

Kuck you have for example a camera with a big objective and you zoom pure then you go closer to that happens visually so it will be nix distorted or put it happen “Pur” With something digital so now with the handy is estimated or calculated with the AI looks like your face and corrects the

2 years ago

Yes Distortion of mobile cameras

2 years ago

Yes, every cell phone is distorted quite strongly, but it is not on the phone but on the optics. 50mm (small image) corresponds approximately to the normal field of view of a person, so photos with this focal length are very natural. 85mm is very well suited for portraits, usually the person looks a bit slimmer and the distance to the photographer is also a bit bigger, you are not so much crowded.

Mobile phones always have a very short focal length (design condition). For example, the Realme 8 has a focal length of 3.4mm on the front camera, 4.7mm on the rear camera, equivalent to the small image, this corresponds to approx. 14-20mm focal length.

Also expensive mobile phones take grayish distorted pictures, which is unavoidable. This is due to the appearance and how the light is broken. Fixed a sophisticated software, with high-quality mobile phones, these distortions then just out.

Each single lens has its unique characteristic. In photo editing software there are presets for the most common lenses (also mobile phones) on the market. With one click the distortion is gone, it has no presets to a specific objective, you simply take a similar e.g. a preset for 17mm focal length.

