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The first ovulation can theoretically take place around 14 days before the menarch (first rule bleeding in puberty) – a girl can also become pregnant if she does not yet have her period.
In practice, however, this does not clearly mean that the possibility of reproductive is also immediately available.
Because the first control bleedings are often anovulatory, i.e. without ovulation, hormone withdrawal bleeding. A regular ovulation cycle usually occurs after one and a half to two years.
You shouldn’t leave for it!
Happy for you!
Thank you for your star!
No actually not usually she has to have an ovulation before can nothing happen
The first period means that ZUVOR must have taken place an ovulation and a structure of cervical mucosa which is conveyed out of the body during the period. Then the young lady can get pregnant.
Yes, the ovulation is before
No, she can’t! Only with the period you can get pregnant. Why do you want to know that?😳 Comes over me very suspiciously….
You can. First ovulation, then period. Not the other way.
Oh. I didn’t know. Thanks for the Enlightenment
A colleague of mine said that, and I wanted to know if it is true.
Oh, okayy. Then everything is good haha
Yeah, I can.
Before the first period comes the first ovulation. What do you mean? Can you get pregnant?
Then it’s not a woman, it’s a girl.