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8 months ago


No, there’s only a bleeding, and when you usually don’t see it. Quite rarely, you really have a very light pink/red slime in the drain or on the toilet paper.

A bleeding takes place 5-12 days after ovulation. Mostly on the 9th day after the ovulation. Only then does the actual classification take place. Before that, the fertilized egg spends its time reaching the uterus from egg guides and sharing the cells several times. A bleeding is often hardly visible and rarely emerges from the body. So it’s not a safe and obvious sign and doesn’t always appear! This is how instinct bleedings look when they are to be seen:

So the bleeding you describe is far too strong and rather the period or intermediate bleedings but no insect bleeding.


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



8 months ago

If you can perceive them as actual bleeding, it’s not a bleeding.

The easiest thing would be if we were to delete this word completely from its existence. Then a lot less funny would go around.

8 months ago

The visible infusion bleeding emerging from the body takes about 0 minutes. 99.99% of all women have none, they only take place locally in the uterus and is extremely weak. Like a little Piek in his finger.

It’s a single cell that doesn’t tear cracking wounds into the womb that let you bleed for days.

8 months ago


The “insistation bleeding” is rather a myth, just as every woman bleeds the whole bed after the “first time”.

The predominant part of all women does not have any symptoms in the infection, as only a few droplets of blood arise, if at all. Much too little to get out.