Kann eine 0,5er Sniper Spaß machen?


ich hab ziemlich Lust Sniper zu spielen, bin aber unter 18, deshalb stehen ja wenn dann 0,5er zur Auswahl.

Ich habe schon eine AEP mit ausreichend Akkus und Mags, um die auch als “Primary” und die Sniper als “Secondary” zu spielen.

Was haltet ihre davon?


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2 years ago

As written, a 0.5 sniper rifle is out blown money. In the most unfavorable case, even a good 0.5 storm rifle or AEP continues.

And a building of one, we say M4 as DMR doesn’t really bring you more fun with 0.5J. You’ve got a ZF, but it doesn’t keep you big than a RedDot because the gun just doesn’t have the range. This is only worthwhile if you can use weapons >0,5J. They can also, as they have more steam, bridge larger distances where such things as a ZF or RedDot + Magnifier make sense.

And 0.5J long weapons as AEG are not just the M4. It’s the most used because there’s a lot of parts for it, more or less magazines for it, etc.

And as also said, please note the lead ban otherwise this can be very expensive very quickly (up to 10,000€). In addition, you are very damaging to the Airsoft community and sport.

The transport of A to B must take place in a closed container. So you can pack your AEP in theory into a backpack with double zippers, as a padlock around and everything is in butter.

And think about a suitable safety goggles, even a 0.5 can cause unpleasant, permanent damage when it comes to the eye (in two ways).

2 years ago
Reply to  JoDuctions239

Do it. Then you can also pack such things as a magnifier + RD as a meaningful sight. M4 as DMR will have approved its own rules (in terms of steam) for this weapon class on the fewest fields of play. This is also considered a storm gun there. Then you need other weapons. This is a full-fledged DMR based on M4. Nevertheless, this is considered as a storm rifle in many fields.

So I can only give you the tip: until you can use the appropriate caliber, save it properly. And don’t start with a sniper right now, that’s a class. A lot of skill is needed to have fun. I have (and use them) one, but rarely pack them. A DMR is more fun. But only from 18.

2 years ago


The problem you are facing – a 0.5 sniper doesn’t shoot any further or more precisely than your AEP (if it’s a good one from Cyma zB), but the AEP is full-time.

The chance with a 0.5 sniper against a 0.5 AEG is therefore very unequal, so also the fun you have. Because you can’t disguise and hide so well that you can’t be spotted on distances you can hit with such a 0.5’s after the first shot and taken out of the game with a full-car rain.

So I’d save the money.


PS: Please take note of the prohibition of conduct outside of encumbered property, only the completed transport is allowed.

2 years ago

No, not really…