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2 years ago

As I understand now – yes, basically possible. At least it can look synchronous for the human eye. However – I say – not with larger jumps, but for example with a bottom rod or even with a Cavaletto. If the horse is wrongly taxed and, for example, a lot too close, “hope” it too. Feels like that at least.

So, imagine a big and slightly higher gallop jump. That’s all.

2 years ago

Yes, quite possible, but totally unnormal, because a jump over an obstacle is only an extended gallop jump and the horse wants to gallop further.

Of course, at some point all four legs are in the air, otherwise it wouldn’t be a jump.

In order to answer exactly what happens, you should see the video you mean.

2 years ago

Not really.

Horses do not jump, with 4 legs synchronous. You always have some time delay.

2 years ago

It is certainly possible for everyone not healthy because the horse can not spring off at all if it lands again after the jump I also think that it is very unlikely that a horse that just makes the horse much more jump to get on with all hooves on the ground behind the jump

2 years ago

I also often see such Viedes, but that actually happens only when the horse, spins, or the rider does not give the right help

2 years ago

No, normal horses leave 2 legs on the first side of the obstacle.

Of course, horses jump and take all the legs. What else?

2 years ago

The easiest thing would be if you were just sharing the video here.

But if we think the same thing is possible.

2 years ago

Not elegant but possible

2 years ago

Must be, more than 4 paws have no horse.

2 years ago
