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No, that’s not true. A non-verified PayPal account can also receive amounts via goods and services. This is also the only allowed way to pay for things you buy on PayPal. The recipient can then only not be able to pay it from PayPal to his bank account, that is not your problem.
The seller only wants to force you to pay for family and friends. You’d be criminal because you’re planning their fees together with the seller PayPal. Besides, you have no buyer protection. If he does not send any tickets, you will get your money off and have no tickets and cannot access the PayPal buyer protection.
Read the AGBs
High amounts: For larger transactions, PayPal may require verification to ensure that the transaction is secure.
Unusual activities: If an account suddenly receives or sends a variety of transactions that do not correspond to the usual pattern, PayPal may require verification.
Suspected activities: If fraudulent activities or security risks are suspected, PayPal may require verification.
I know the AGB (without “s”, because the majority of “conditions” is not “conditions”)
The desire for verification does not prevent the possibility of receiving these payments. Until the completion of the verification, they will be retained by PayPal (which they may receive up to 21 days for each payment via W&D, even after verification).
Fact is: Each unverified account can also receive payments via W&D. Whether a verification is necessary for the seller is not a matter for the buyer.
Yes, however, this is also a simple excuse to bring the purchaser to the payment by family R&Freunds prohibited by PayPal for goods/services – and then not to supply the purchaser.
I’d be careful about fraud.
Since the verification has not yet been completed, it is an account in opening and therefore does not work.
This is an excuse because he wants to cheat to get the payment over friends, which is forbidden.
No, it’s not when the amount is too high.
Are you the weak head salesman?
Does not have had the problem in work with a trader
A not fully verified PayPal account can receive payments using the “Wars and Services” option. This feature is not only available to verified accounts. It is important that the account is fully verified to be able to use it as the dealer cannot pay the money.
Where did you get the cheese? A non-verified PayPal account can also receive amounts via goods and services. This is also the only allowed way to pay things on PayPal. The recipient can then only pay it from PayPal to his bank account, but this is not a problem of the buyer.
With a payment via family and friends, you have no buyer protection and risk your own PayPal account because you prep PayPal for their fees.
That’s not true.
That’s a rotten excuse.
He probably wants to rip you off.