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2 years ago

Depends on how old he is at the time of weight. So how long his body must struggle with the consequences of the extreme overweight.

2 years ago

I didn’t hear that ever happened. 300kg people are usually not old, maybe a maximum of 40. Depends on how long they’ve been overweight.

2 years ago

Yeah, he can. Or not.

2 years ago
Reply to  CassyDia

Everything can, nothing has to.

2 years ago
Reply to  Farelius

That’s it. I mean, officially, a person is dead only when the brain no longer sends out or receives. It can still be so broken by your overweight and by machine life the years until he has reached the age and after that are only considered clinically dead when the machines are turned off. Then things like storage would be added to the caregivers to avoid pressure ulcers. Poor people need to take a sick person to avoid destroying their backs. Please, no one comes to this idea that I just did.

2 years ago

Very unlikely

2 years ago

That’s certainly world record!

2 years ago

Guess already