Kann ein Lappy mit einer Powerbank geladen werden, der ein 240Watt Ladegerät nutzt?
Die Powerbank kann nur 65 Watt – der Lappy braucht aber 240. Hauts trotzdem hin? Logischerweise langsamer dann.
Die Powerbank kann nur 65 Watt – der Lappy braucht aber 240. Hauts trotzdem hin? Logischerweise langsamer dann.
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If the laptop has a USB-C port with Powerdelivery to load, then yes
For this, you usually need a Powerbank that delivers 20V with 2.25-5A, i.e. 45-100W charging. Depending on the laptop, it can happen to you when the consumption is greater than the charging speed, which the battery of the laptop is empty and out of time.
For some laptops there are also adapters from USB-C to the respective device plug or also power banks with 220/230V output.
The following symbols next to the USB port can help you out, but unfortunately it is not implemented uniformly/consistently by all manufacturers and in recent years the names have changed again, and in addition USB 4 is added
I think you mean USB C charging. If the laptop can do this (via USB Power Delivery), then it usually goes.
But if you need more power, for example, by playing than coming in, the battery will still go empty.
65W are actually sufficient for most laptops without a dedicated graphics card, e.g. MacBooks, AMD mobile Ryzen from the U series etc., that would be a relatively usual power to load.
The fact that a 240 W charger belongs to the laptop does not require it to be.
Power delivery via USB-C, in my knowledge, requires at least 45 W. If the laptop is satisfied with it, you can load it with the Powerbank and then you are completely right, it takes longer.
If not only lasts longer, it is probably impossible to keep it in operation as energy is consumed faster than supplied.