Kann ein Kind sich selbst erziehen?
Können Kinder sich wirklich selbst erziehen, sodass man im Nachhinein sagen kann, “Ich habe mich so erzogen”?
Bzw können sie selbst einen Einfluss auf ihr späteres Verhalten haben?
Kinder schauen Erwachsenen ja bekanntlich viel ab, wie wäre dass dann bei so einer person, die sich das Verhalten “selbst” beigebracht hat?
No. There was a wolf boy in the wilderness of France who didn’t even get clear in the modern and civilized world. How to learn the rules and expectations of society without a mentor? Above all, the wolf boy came to Paris with 10 years and did not come to an adaptation to the people in the city. He died. We had this subject in education for a long time. That’s why we saw the movie.
No, I don’t think so!
Where is a child? Benimm Rules, behavior in certain situations, without explanations, why you have to brush your teeth, that you don’t have to have everything and can, etc. know if it is not explained to him?
Every child sees, of course, when mum and dad brush their teeth, it probably does, but why you have to brush your teeth, it doesn’t know for a long time, unless the parents explain it to him.
Even if a child goes shopping with the mother, it has to learn that the goods have to be paid first, you can’t just take something and put it in. It is the task of the mother to explain to her child that it is theft if you simply take something without paying it.
No. Man needs standards and guidelines by other individuals.
Otherwise it means that I’ve always done that.
I’m a parade example.
You imagine I’d have taken someone as a model.
Where I landed…
Children can already see what behavior patterns or characteristics they like and which do not, they can also say to themselves, so I want to become and so not.
For example, I was very early aware that I want a harmonious family and that I will never beat my children.
I’ve been educating myself in part because I grew up under bad circumstances. If I had listened to my parents, I would have suffered more.
each child has his own being, at most can only be manipulated by adults
what is happening or skills now, children can teach themselves some things that they can use again and again later.
God No, children need structure, rules and clear limits. You can see how some children are on where zero limits have been set.
“Bzw can they themselves have an influence on their later behavior?“
Why? That’s what everybody does later anyway.
Since no one grows completely isolated from birth, everyone is influenced by any other person, so I would deny your question