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Wo kann man Rehe (Damwild) online verkaufen?
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Würdet ihr eher gegen einen Bären oder einen Gorilla gewinnen können?
Was denkt ihr? In einem Kampf ohne Hilfsmittel nur mit Fäusten?
What’s going on to you is a crossing of hedgehog and bird spider.
They can fire their fire hair for defense.
No. Swallow pigs can
No…sty pigs can’t do this:D. it has always made the appearance, as the stabs sit very loose and can fall out when the animal turns quickly and thus they fly a little further. but deliberate shooting is not going! xD
So what?
nö – these are other animals.
As true cows are purple.
What do you think? The spikes are just a defense, not a weapon. Angels are vegetarians!
And what is a vegetarian hedgehog? No snails or insects? ^^
Oh yes, hedgehogs are vegetarians. Learned again.
I have to complain to my bioteacher.
If you have no idea, you shouldn’t say anything…
Igels are meat and insect eaters and everything else, but no vegetarians. Make yourself smart before you get bullshit.
Sorry, I’m done. But still, an hedgehog does not kill the snails he eats with his spikes.
Hello Thorben54!
That’s what happened on TV
Certainly not. The common garden gig doesn’t shoot any spikes.
that was not an hedgehog,
Just as little as the spiked pig.