Kann ein Freund mir einfach Geld schenken?
Angenommen ein Freund von mir hat 38.000€ auf Tipico gewonnen und möchte mir den kompletten Gewinn schenken, kann er das ohne weiteres tun? Es gibt ja die Schenkung bei der man maximal 20.000€ an Fremde Personen verschenken darf. Wie sieht es dann mit 38.000€ aus? Und darf ich die Schenkung überhaupt erhalten wenn ich selber bei Tipico (OASIS) gesperrt bin?
Of course he can give you money, even more than €20,000. However, you have to tax the money and pay for what goes beyond the amount of €20,000.
And what about the OASIS lock? May I receive “Tipico Money” if I am locked at Tipico
You don’t get any money from Tipico, but from your friend. Where he got the money doesn’t matter.
Excuse me? If you want to give someone 38,000 euros, you just do.
If he pays out the money and can prove the money source thanks to the transfer to his account, a donation regarding the tipico blocking is no longer in the way.
A brief insight into the then due donation tax can be found in Internet
Can and he:)
Where the money comes from is irrelevant to you, as long as your friend has acquired it legally.
The donation must be reported to the tax office in any case.
Hello, krjrbenkekbr. 😊
Unless you have to pay gift vouchers, everything is feasible.
The allowance for donations, for non-related persons, is EUR 20,000.
Greetings, Renate. 😊
He may give you the money,but you must report it to the tax office and tax it
Of course, he can do so if the money has been purchased legally.
It doesn’t make any sense for you to leave you behind because of your addiction and then let a buddy of your choice play for you 😉
I can’t help myself, that sounds like preparing for a fraud attempt or so lol
What is this about fraud?
It’s just a belly feeling to get money from them despite the lock. ;