Kann ein einzelnes Küken an Kokzidiose erkranken?
vielleicht haben die Hühnerhalter unter euch schon mal von Kokzidiose gehört. Kann theoretisch ein einzelnes Küken daran erkranken, weil es wird ja durch den Kot von ANDEREN Hühnern übertragen.
LG 🙂
Chickens always have coccidia in themselves, they get only sometimes (too long in tight space) extremely many that is then dangerous. Does the chick have contact with other chickens? If no it’s not happy.
It is possible that an animal suffers from coccidia.
To be careful, however, you should test the feces of all animals.
After the oocytes are not regularly excreted, you need to collect the feces of 3 days to get a halfway reliable result.
But it’s just a chick 😅
The parasite does not necessarily have to be transferred from other chickens.
In principle, each bird can transmit oocytes with its Kot, from which coccidia can slip.
Healthy animals can carry coccidia, just like most other parasites, in themselves without being clinically ill. A chick or a weakened animal then shows symptoms.