Kann ein Drogentest durch Passivrauchen positiv werden?

Meine Freundin raucht regelmäßig (mehrmals jeden Tag) Gras und ich sitze neben ihr, rauche es passiv also ein. Kann dadurch ein Drogentest positiv werden?

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1 year ago

Yes, this is possible. However, there is also a cut-off value in a test. The cut-off is the tolerance value. Thus, if one is tested positively for THC or its degradation product THC-COOH, and the test is nevertheless evaluated negatively within the cut-off. This ensures that passive users do not have any legal consequences. However, if one consumes intensively passively (e.g. spent 2 hours in a closed room with ciffers), then the value should exceed the tolerance range.

Here the corresponding information is clearly presented.

1 year ago
Reply to  samm1917

“Cut-off” is the lower limit for the positive result?

1 year ago
Reply to  DocPsychopath

Cut-off is the tolerance value. If a test is positive for THC or THC-COOH, but the value in the urine sample is below 5-25ng/ml, the positive test is evaluated as negative.

1 year ago

Yeah, I see. I remember the discussions of the specialist world in the C-time, which test value of the C-tests has to be considered positive and what the tolerance value is.

1 year ago

Of course, passive smoking is nothing other than using, which is why they will recognize it in urine

1 year ago

Theoretically yes, but in your blood you would realize that you do not smoke yourself.

1 year ago

Why not?!