Kann ein defektes Mainboard das Netzteil kaputtmachen?
Ich habe ein PC gekauft wo bei dem Vorbesitzer das Mainboard einen Kurzschluss hatte. Jetzt ist meine Frage, kann der Kurzschluss vom Mainboard das Netzteil beeinflusst haben? Oder kann ich das Netzteil problemlos benutzen?
I would recommend a replacement if it were not potentially damaged.
sure if the short circuit is on a stupid spot on the board
Is it dangerous to install the power supply in my new PC?
If the fuse flies there it is usually on the power supply so rather not on a new board
If it could have damaged the power supply, the fuse should actually be flown
so far the theory
but the practice is often far from theory
That’s why it was in the conjunctive, actually I wanted to expand my question, but you made it unnecessary with your comment to add more
Is it dangerous to install the power supply into my new setup?
Depending on the cheapness of the power supply, this can happen.
Added a picture of the power supply
This looks quite neat for a China net part, but for newer graphics cards with performance the connections are missing because it is too old for them.