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8 months ago

Of course, you can also go to the big pool with your child, of course you must always be careful. My parents used to be in the big pool with me, too.

6 months ago
Reply to  abc93

This is bullshit. No swimming pool would also leave a 4 year-old child in the swimming area only if it cannot swim, neither with supervision of parents nor with the supervision of a person in the owns the life-saving (residence-language life swimmer silver) who works in the swimming pool. This is a risk of danger that no swimming pool wants to buy

6 months ago
Reply to  CMD1971

Oh, funny, that as a child I was often with my parents in pelvic areas where I couldn’t stand anymore. Wasn’t any risk, my parents were with me all the time and were busy with me. If you take care of your child all the time, there is no danger. And I’m not talking about pure swimming pools where adults can’t stand, of course, it doesn’t make any sense to walk in with a child. Of course, I’m talking about the deeper area in Becken, where parents can still stand quite normal. My dad put me and a kid friend of mine in a swimming pool on a flat niche that was on the edge of the deeper pool. So deep for us children, of course not for him. There we have played and have repeatedly fallen over the edge into the deep basin and sunk down, and the dad has brought us up again and placed on the flat niche. So? We found fun… By the way, you don’t need a lifeguard badge to successfully supervise a four-year-old child…

6 months ago

Then I got that wrong, I apologize a lot.

8 months ago

Can: If it can swim safely. However, I would not go out with four of them and it should always be a companion in the pool, which can swim safely and in doubt also save.

May: there is also safety when swimming. As I said, at 4 I don’t see it yet. So: rather no.

I know since yesterday: in the outdoor swimming pool with us, rule: if you have bronze, seahorse is not enough. And with four, you don’t have both.

8 months ago
Reply to  ClyyxYT

The bathing master has the right to house and responsibility in the last instance. Say, if he says “no”, that means “no!”

And for 4 years, he will not give permission if there is no accompanying person and also securing swimming aids – and even then rather not.

8 months ago

As I said, the bathing master is in doubt in responsibility and therefore of course he can also pronounce bans at the moment.

8 months ago

If children are not allowed in certain areas, such as often in thermal spas, the parents can go with them everywhere, there is no need for permission from the bathmaster. Parents have to take care of their children. Except for the narrowed floats, they must not go to block the floats.

8 months ago

This will probably be possible if the child can swim safely, but the sole stay with swimming wings is usually prohibited.

In addition, parents, in the case of very small children, have a supervisory duty, whether the child can swim or not..It cannot yet assess situations well and may be overlooked by others or accidentally pushed under water.

Goes fast when it’s hard..In Hagen a 5 year old child has recently drowned..

8 months ago

No and unattended.

8 months ago
Reply to  ClyyxYT

In my opinion, such small children have lost nothing in the big pool. There’s the children’s area for that.