Can the castor oil plant grow in Germany and if not, how is it possible?
Hi, I wanted to ask if the castor oil plant can grow in Germany and if not, how is that possible.
Ps thanks in advance
Hi, I wanted to ask if the castor oil plant can grow in Germany and if not, how is that possible.
Ps thanks in advance
Weathered volcanic rock is very nutrient-rich due to the naturally occurring minerals. You can read about it everywhere. Interestingly, volcanic soils also don't wear out. Even after decades of agricultural use, they seem to continue to thrive without fertilization. I'll ignore the green manure created through natural composting for now. Question: What can volcanic soils…
Looking for a battery-powered lawnmower with wheel drive for the summer. I currently have a petrol one. Which brand is good?
Rhicinus plants are drawn as ornamental plants. At the first frost they already freeze.
Propagation takes place via seeds that are interplanted before they are planted at the end site. Only if surely NO night frosts are to be expected, the plant should go out into the garden.
Loose soil, sunny location, relatively much dungeon, plenty of space, delicious water tell her.
In the further course, it may be useful to cut off the plant. The big blowers take a lot of wind load.
I used to have in the garden for years as a “mirror tree”… beautiful, huge leaves…
so yes, can grow here (was in Berlin)
Can you touch the leaves without gloves or not
As much as I know, you can’t eat them. Especially the seeds. I don’t know if the leaves are poisonous too. You can google. I already had them in the garden. I touched them quite normal. I remember getting the seeds out of the fruit with my fingers. He wasn’t ripe yet. Otherwise I would have sewn him out next year.
Better not. On the Canaries grow wild. The guide has instructed us not to do this.
I touched them – as far as I remember – without gloves, but also not manipulated… just wanted to feel the great leaves…
In the fall, she came to some point (can have been frost, I don’t know exactly)
For coarser work in the garden (clean in autumn etc.) I usually have gloves.
What I have read in this way, it also grows in the moderate climate zone, but only as a one-year plant.
Here you can read more or read more in general: