Kann die Menstruation zu stark sein?
- Hallo, im Internet steht, wenn man alle 2 Stunde Binde oder Tampon wechseln muss, hat man zu starke Blutungen. Aber so ist es bei ganz vielen Frauen die ich kenne, eigentlich bei fast allen. Ich muss im Moment an einem Tag der Periode sogar jede Stunde wechseln. Meine Schmerzen werden meistens schon mit einer Ibuprofen gelindert. meine Frauenärztin sagt immer bei mir ist alles gut. Aber warum geht es im Internet dann so? Wie oft müsst ihr die Tampons Bzw Binde wechseln ?
habe Angst dass ich irgendwie krank bin
Too much are 80ml over the whole period. Flat to say all 2h bandage is too much, I think it’s stupid. Because the suction strength and size is very much. If the first day is stronger than the rest then it can be normal.
I change my cup (M) on the first day every 4 hours. Later less. This is not little, but also not too much (confirmed)
is quite different but I always change my binding every 3-4 hours. comes to what I take.
With me earlier: every half hour (nappily), but I think that was no longer normal.
the period varies from woman to woman.
On average, a menstrual loses 50-80 ml of blood during the period. Also depends on how long the period lasts. Most of the first 2 3 days you lose the most blood.
I lose most blood on the 2 and 3 days and must also change my bandage every 3 hours.
My friend, for example, loses so much blood on the 2 day that she has to wear on the day aftertie and even this changes her every 2 hours.
But if you’re insecure, you better talk to your FA about it.
LG Egroh
Periods can of course also be strong. The period always varies. In addition, the binding is changed not only because of this, but also because of the hygiene. Even if the period is weak you change it. You don’t want it to start stinking and it’s also unpleasant.
All 2-3 h approx. In school time, I used ties and changed every big break once. The binding was not always full, but too full to take a double hour. Meanwhile I use a menstruation cup that I emptied every 6 h on the strong days, but last time my bleeding was so strong that I ran out several times after 2 h or so… I don’t know what happened. But yes, you can also bleed too much and lose too much iron, then hormonal contraception can be useful, so you usually bleed less.
On my strong days, my tampon is completely full after about 4-5 hours, but the return cord is also full of blood. Many girls probably change their tampons/beaches even if they are not really full. Or they simply use the small sizes that do not suck much on
I also have to change the bandages every hour on at least two days and have a strong pain. This is different from woman to woman.