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Gibt es so einen?
Hey Leute meine Eltern wissen nichts von meinen Großeltern und deren Familie und es gibt ja so einen Gentest wo man über die Familie was kennenlernen kann aber kostet hald bis zu 15 Tausend,gibt es irgendeine Möglichkeit so einen Test zu machen der nicht zu viel kostet und wenn ja welchen
Ich habe was geklaut weil ich selbst kein Geld mehr habe. Meine Freundin hat das mitbekommen, was soll ich jetzt tun ?
Yes, to express it extremely: if daughter and father have a child, the father is also grandfather
At Inzest – if, for example, the father bears a child with his daughter.
Your father can’t be your grandpa at the same time. For example, if a father testifies to a child with his daughter, he is the father of the child, the grandpa of the child would again be the father of the father. Therefore, the terms parents and GROßELTERN. Grandparents are the parents of the parents, so the father, when he witnesses a child with his daughter, is a parent of the child born, and not a grandparent.
That sounds all so confusing and sick
Yeah, you realize you’re confused. There are two grandpas, not only the father of the father, but also the father of the mother. So YES, the child’s father would be his grandpa.
It is then probably the grandpa on the mother’s side and the father on the father’s side, but then the grandpa on the father’s side would be what one would call “oriopa.” xD thanks to you
In the event of a misuse of the father to his daughter and the resulting child, the father would also be the grandfather of the child.
No, as a producer of the child, he remains the father of the child and his daughter the mother of the child. Just because it was the daughter, he won’t go to grandpa
Then who becomes the grandpa of the child?
What is the father of the mother of the child?
Of course not to the same person.
He’s either your father or your father’s father, so your grandpa. The answer is: No
Huh? I think this is possible. Or am I stupid now??🤔 Yes, I do.
How are you going? Then your father would have witnessed himself.
The mother’s father is the grandpa. So at Inzest the father can also be the grandpa.
There are two grandpas, not only the father of the father, but also the father of the mother. So YES, the father of a child born with his own daughter would be his grandpa.
We’re talking about it. What are you gonna do? mimimi
If you think you’re happy
Yeah, but also Grandpa!
Then he is the father of his daughter and also the father of the child
If a father, please not my father, bears a child with his daughter?
There’s a great song from Truck Stop: “My grandpa is me.”
Listen to this, maybe it will help.
For example, your mother is with your grandpa. Then your grandpa is your father
It’s possible.
Yes! These children then have the blood group “I Negative” The “I” stands for inbreeding or Incest ! The pawned children can’t do that.
Yes, if the father wants to be identified as a grandfather and so addressed? We have 2024