Kann der Schalldruck von Subwoofern die HDD in einem Labtop beschädigen?
Können HDD-Festplatten die in einem DJ-Labtop verbaut sind Schaden nehmen wenn sie hohen Schalldruck von Subwoofern ausgesetzt werden. Immerhin bewegen sie sich ja die Magnetscheiben im Betrieb und der sensible Lesekopf schwebt nur wenige hunderstel Millimeter über ihnen und wenn der Bass etwas stärker wird zu später Stunde fängt auch schonmal der Labtop das Vibrieren an und somit auch die Festplatte.
Hat diesbezüglich schon jemand mal Erfahrungen gesammelt?
Your thought is right. Stronger shocks should be avoided. If the notebook is not exposed to vibrations but only the sound pressure waves I think it will survive.
Today there are also SSDs and USB sticks which are insensitive.
Just use an SSD.
Yes but as a mass store for music editors/songs etc., an HDD is better suited…
But not for strong vibrations.
There was a song by Janet Jackson, whose frequency has hit the resonant frequency of HDDs and which have revived to the error. But this is as rare as a 6 in the lottery. But today you are using USB sticks and SSD? And if even “right” turntables don’t get out of the track, no matter how it is, it shouldn’t be a problem.
in my opinion, it is not only the sound pressure of the problems that could be prepared, but also the magnetic field of the subwoofer, both can lead to damage to electronic devices if they are too strong and if subwoofer and laptop do not have enough distance
A recurring error. Look into a hard drive, VERY strong magnets are already installed at work. The subwoofer, who stands 2 meters further, doesn’t even notice them.
read exactly what I wrote, how do you get at 2 meters distance, and I didn’t write a hard drive, did you?
2 meters was a realistic example and your answer refers to a question in which it is a hard drive. You have extended the question of vibrations to the magnetic field and I have referred my comment on this magnetic field.