Kann der Fuß gebrochen werden, wenn man durch einen Autoreifen des fahrenden Autos überfahren wird?
Ich wurde heute unabsichtlich vom Vater bisschen am Fuß erwischt, ist aber nix passiert zum Glück, da er rechtzeitig stoppte , weil ich Zeichen gab
Das Auto ist Skoda Fabia
That can be quite. In my hometown, this has actually happened at a much-respected accident where a young woman drove someone over the foot – that was then a five-BMW, the old model, I remember. She actually had a complicated footbreak, had to be re-operated several times and ran around with a kind of gypsum shoe for years.
Oh, ever… So I have been extremely lucky. Thank you for the answer and LG 😉
You shouldn’t think about that. I wish you a nice weekend!
Thank you very much
can happen. also depends on how fast the car was, and how the foot stood exactly etc.
It was very slow. Parking.
I hope you have the license plate. Then the liability of the vehicle arises for the treatment, which pay a little better than the health insurance or Your health insurance will be devastating. In any case, you should be able to exclude from late sequences
Well, if he doesn’t get fat and doesn’t hurt, there’ll be nothing broken. but let us look at it for safety.
and there was no mention of ads. If the foot is really broken, it must be treated. Costs are incurred for this, and they would have to be paid somewhere.
Here I only see two possibilities:
It was my father, I won’t show him, but I don’t have any complaints. I’ll see what it is tomorrow. The foot is quite normal and does not hurt either. Thank you in any case for the answer;)
Can happen. With safety shoes rather unlikely, but who wears them permanently. Normal shoes / sandals – there are real problems pre-programmed. Can go out really stupid. You don’t know how you’re getting caught.
I got a cab over the white gym shoe. Nice tire print. Through the stepmpo it hurt, but was not broken.
OK thank you;)
If you’re wrong.
LG Animelove007
OK, in that case, I had huge pigs. Thank you. LG back 👋
No, not so bad now, but if, for example, the tire is deeper than the others, then your foot gets more weight off.
It’s just a doctor.
You stupid answer. You go to the doctor if you are hurt and not to ask if you can hurt yourself
I think so