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7 months ago

Hello Leoishere👋

Yes, yes Leo is here, but Leo should spend less time with his symptoms and ask for the net and more with the life of his life.

4 hours ago, you asked a question about whether abdominal pain can come from having hardly eaten anything, your question history is pissed off by medical questions that are often turning around the food or the gastrointestinal tract, what is it, that’s just not a fun thing, so please, in very short.

If you’re worried about your health, please contact a doctor and let yourself check through properly instead of asking for diagnosis or assessments.

Of course, in one of your previous questions, you didn’t mean that you were a hypochond, but you don’t have to feed it, okay, you can do a therapy and learn how to reagier differently, eat damn regularly and drink enough. Whoever eats nothing all day, but then helps with sweet stuff, he doesn’t need to wonder, honestly, you’re trying to get sick, so please treat your body better.

7 months ago
Reply to  Leoishere

Isnuppet, what sex you have, it’s about you to stop feeding your hypochondria down here and you’re echauffing about how I use your username? Go to therapy, to gastroenterology, your hypochondria is now nothing to rest on now, as if you could not do anything about it, eat it, drink enough, help yourself by talking to a doctor about ne therapy.