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1 year ago


Rather, during dehydration, other inner organs such as kidneys, the liver, fail to form collagen lumps in the visual organ by dehydrogenation.

1 year ago

You’re right! In the net, see below: coertrusions/#:~:text=If%20‘flying%20M%C3%BCcken’%20the%20seen%20seen%C3%A4seighth&text=how%20seen%C3%BCbeats%20seat%20seat%20seat%20seen%20h%C3%B6heres%20risk.

So always drink a lot!

1 year ago


A glass body cloudiness in the human eye is a deposition of collagen fibers in the glass body of the eye. This leads to shadows or threads being projected into the field of vision, which are perceived as small points or lines. The reason for this is age-related.

Dehydration is therefore not regarded as a direct cause of glass body opacities. However, (extreme) dehydration can temporarily lead to a reduction in the liquid volume in the eye and make existing glass body opacities more noticeable. Dehydration can cause damage to the eye. The eyes need enough moisture to function properly and remain healthy. When the body is dehydrated, this can affect the eyes and cause various problems, such as dry eyes or corneal damage.


1 year ago

I tap ‘yes’ because the eyes are directly dependent on the supply of liquid.

But not only: there are still vital substances that are especially needed for vision and have to be increased again and again. There are eye capsules from different manufacturers.

1 year ago

Probably – have read that it can be helpful to drink more mineral water, for example, so that the glass body remains well moistened. Finally, the glass body consists of approximately 98 percent of water.

1 year ago

No, the glass body opacity is a natural consequence of the aging process.

The glass body can begin to shrink in the course of liquefaction and compaction.

1 year ago

Anti depressants (especially when in and out) cause various eye problems and glass body opacities.

1 year ago

So-called anticholinergic action. You can google. The eye pressure is increased and drops again. This brings the glass body together.

Have you ever taken such medicines and can do it in time?

1 year ago
