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2 years ago

I’ve been addicted to it for three years. If I understood that correctly, then it is with the people who regularly do this a addiction because it calms. If you do that, then somehow such a lucky hormone is spilled out and you feel better by it and that calms down. It was me too. I hope I have correctly explained this with the lucky hormone 😂. If not, then one please corrects me. By the way, you better say self-infringement instead of scratches. Ritzen is a word that many people can trigger. Me too, so would rather say self-infringement.

2 years ago

Yes, that can be looked for.

This is mainly due to the fact that the pain, among other things, pour out endorphins. The body gets used to it and just wants it more often.

There was a report in the world of miracle magazine. If you want, I can send you this morning or something

2 years ago

Of course it can. Who else doesn’t feel has used to take heroin. It wasn’t healthier either.

2 years ago

Yes it can be searched for