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Can it be that the purpose of this question is to run polemics?
This statement alone is incredibly alien to the world. Of course, not all that comes from China is very high-quality – but if they want (and the customer pays it), the Chinese can work damn carefully and deliver exactly the same quality as any European large-scale production.
For example, almost all carbon parts come from bicycles from China. Yes, also the frames of gems such as Santa Cruz or Yeti. Even among the people who find it completely normal to spend $10,000 for a bicycle (without E), you don’t hear any complaints about lack of quality.
In short: The quality depends on whether parts from China are on not wise.
There are of course e-bikes that are largely built without parts from China. Frame in D welded, brakes from the Swabian Alb, milling parts from GB.. But you can also see that at the price, you will come with 3000 € not far away. Whether the driving feeling is better than a bike that has cost half of it and also includes parts from Chinese production is another thing.
To get back to the question of what quality is: Again, that depends on the viewer!
For someone who simply wants to get 5 km from A to B, a 1000 € e-bike delivers a perfectly usable quality and there is no reasonable reason to spend more money.
Nevertheless, it is clear that someone who is abducting 20,000 km a year would call the same bike as an absolute core scrap and would not even take it.
Accordingly, it is also evident that the question of whether there are qualitatively meaningful e-bikes only from 3000 € is to be answered only if the claims of the buyer are clear.
Depends on what you’re doing.
This is definitely for trekking and city.
If you want to go mountainbike, it only starts at 3000.
3,000e are unfortunately now really little to buy a qualitatively good eBike. I would therefore look at a young used ebike when budgeting. Ebay, ebay Kleinanziegen or specialized platforms like
That’s it.
On an e-bike it is so much expensive technology that you can’t put a high-quality e-bike on your feet without having to make lazy compromises.
Depends on your claim. I wouldn’t buy anything under 3000.