Kann das sein?
Ich war vor zwei Stunden beim Arzt und hab ein E-Rezept bekommen. Nun war ich bei der Apotheke und sie meinte es sei kein Rezept da, vielleicht wird das später übermittelt. Dauert die Übermittlung wirklich so lange? Oder sollte ich eher bei der Praxis anrufen und nachfragen, ob er sich nicht irgendwie vertippt hat oder so?
No, that should take a maximum of 20 minutes.
I have received an E-Rezept 2 times and successfully picked up about 15 minutes in the pharmacy.
I’d call the doctor again or look over. Stupid situation.
This is different from practice to practice. Not every doctor signed the recipe directly, some do it only in the afternoon or after the evening. Since the recipe is released and retrieved only with the signature, it takes a correspondingly long time.
Well, then I’m glad my doctors are doing all right.
There are doctors who bundle all recipes only in the evening after speaking to the pharmacies
possible. The doctor must first sign the prescription and thus release it. Not in any practice this happens immediately, some doctors do it only in the afternoon or in the evening.
With my doctor, I can only redeem the prescribed recipe 24 hours later in a pharmacy. It was founded by the doctor’s helpers that the prescription had to be unlocked only by the doctor.
However, this approach seems to be different in any doctor’s practice.
The doctor must still sign the eRezept. He may not have done
That’s it. Many doctors do not do this directly, but when they have time.
I had to wait half a day at the last, but was also pointed out
Yes, with my doctor it is not different, but the patient is told that the recipe can only be retrieved in the afternoon. Try again this afternoon. If still not, call in practice.
that comes to the doctor’s practice…. unusual is not after my previous experience. Ask your phone in practice.
Just ask in practice whether the recipe was actually transmitted.
Yeah, until someone gets you, you can wait really long, but I think that’s how to write some. Too bad you don’t point to it 😕
You could think about yourself and come to it.
Or search a pharmacy directly with the doctor, which is very common. Then you can get back to practice and hook.
Everyone has to experience a new system.
If this is more common, I would simply have an e-recept in practice.
That’s why I found paper recipe better.