Kann das sein?

Ich hab jemandem eine Nachricht geschickt und dort stand gelesen. (WhatsApp)

dann war ich sauer weil diese Person mir nicht geantwortet hat.

Und als ich das angesprochen habe meinte sie sie hätte es nichtmals gelesen aber hat das so überzeugend gesagt und geschworen und alles.

Aber mein Handy spinnt nicht!! (Neues iphone)

Und es war nie so wenn da gelesen stand das es dann wohl doch nicht gelesen war…

oder kann das sein? Was sagt ihr? Was ein Zufall aber…

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3 months ago

It happened to me that I wanted to wipe a message that popped up on the screen and instead I opened it.
And then closed again because I had no time or pleasure reading them.
Then it looks read, but I really read it.

3 months ago

Of course that can be. The reading confirmation in messengers only states that the message was displayed. Whether the person looked on the screen at the moment and read the text, the phone cannot check. That is why these indicators are at best misleading, one should best ignore them or turn them off.

3 months ago
Reply to  Tailenah

Have you never woke up at night and looked at your phone?

I don’t know what you want, but if you want to be convinced that you have been ignored, then believe it. The fact is that it is possible to trigger the reading confirmation without reading a message.