Kann das möglich sein?
ich habe mal eine Frage .. meine Freundin und ich wurden etwas intimer. Wir verhüten ja auch eigentlich immer, aber beim Vorspiel war es dann so das wir etwas „gerieben haben“.. jedoch ohne eindringen. Jetzt meine Frage. Eine Schwangerschaft dürfte doch recht unwahrscheinlich sein, da ich nicht zum Höhepunkt kam. Allerdings gibt es ja Lusttropfen.
PS: sie nimmt seid ca 1. Woche die Pille.
danke für Rückmeldung und einen schönen Abend!🙃
Hello Leon1570
If your girlfriend took the first pill on the first day of the period then she was protected from the first pill, she took the pill at another time then it must additionally prevent the first 7 days. At the pill Qlaira 9 days.
If your girlfriend takes the pill regularly, does not break, does not have a diarrhea and does not take any medication that affects the effect of the pill, has taken the pill regularly at least 14 days before the break (does not apply to the Belara and the like, there are 21 days), the break does not last longer than 7 days and at the latest on 8. Continues day with the pill (applies to most pills), then it is also protected in the pause and immediately afterwards (i.e. uninterrupted), to 99.9% (the missing 0.1%, according to the expert opinion, relate to unnoticed or unadmitted intake errors).It is also protected in case of vomiting and diarrhea if it reacts properly and takes a pill if it happens within 4 hours after taking the pill. In this case, only really aqueous diarrhea counts as diarrhea. If that’s true to your girlfriend, she can’t get pregnant. The pill is one of the safest contraceptives and if you are both healthy you can dispense with the condom and you can also come into it.
Greetings HobbyTfz
When she started taking the pill on the first day of the period, she is protected from the first intake and you could come into her even during sex without getting pregnant, provided she always takes the pill correctly. If she has started taking differently, she is generally fully protected after 7 days. So nothing should have happened.
Thank you for the answer. Good evening!🙃
No one can guarantee you something – probability low, yet it is possible.
Take a pregnancy test. And if you’ve been unsure since then: From to the doctor.
Thank you for the answer