Kann das Jobcenter von mir verlangen einen Computer zu kaufen und für zuverlässiges Internet zu sorgen?
Für privat reicht, was ich habe. Geht es mal paar Tage nicht, kann man – wenn es eilt und wichtig ist – auch telefonieren …
Kann das JC verlangen, dass ich hier “aufrüste”, bzw. überhaupt einrichte?
Und wenn ja: Müssen sie mir das bezahlen? Auslegen kann ich derzeit auch nichts, denn es wird diesmal schon Mitte des Monats (also jetzt) knapp mit Essens-Einkauf …
I’m thinking about the situation.
If you constantly use the excuse that you could not do this and that because your internet access is not reliable or your computer is too old or so and you are not willing to do your duties on site or otherwise – then yes!
If you have stated that you are allowed to contact you exclusively by mail and mail, then I also find that you are obliged to receive this also reliably.
If all this is not the case and your computer does not limit you to your duties in any way, then I don’t see why you should change something on your PC.
Would like to do this on site – but buy the same problem as new computers + can be set up + can be taught: everything costs. Once with ÖPNV to the Jobcenter + back home are almost 6 euros …
Of course, the office may contact me by mail or by fixed network. Is that what I have…
And yes: I want to do something in part-time again – no more goes healthily. If I had the necessary money, I would just put it down. But I just didn’t have the money…
Of course they can’t ask. For what?
We do not have a reliable Internet. It’s gone forever.
Feel very understood. Thank you.
If your internet access is unreliable, you should report a malfunction to your contractor.
Is more of my old laptop – neighbours are (usually) …
Why would you need a better PC?
The times of online appointments are over, everything goes back Personally, and for normal Word and application letters a 08/15 computer/laptop, in some cases even a tablet
Not only partially. One tablet is enough. These are now also available with pen and keyboard
And how to pay? This is probably only going back spring/summer 2025 (financial) …
Laptop of ca. 2004/2005. Printer not available. Internet usually not possible. Money is enough – wg. family thing – no longer served for food this Nov… Tablet – never obsessed, never worked with it… Phone/smartphone: Private not planned …
I’m gonna order one at Amazon on Black Friday. Also because of my schooling. You can learn better. And if the question comes, I’m just getting cash.
According to my knowledge, “reliable Internet” is not yet relevant to the mediation.
I don’t understand.
You don’t understand? It was necessary to spend all savings on a death of a close relative. You couldn’t know…
You can generally cope with civil money.
It doesn’t make any sense.
Okay, why not? All those who do this want to have paid for it… a few years ago I shouldn’t have had what it costs…
So if I don’t have a PC, I would always use the PCs in the job center that are made available for advertising.
I used to write my applications there because I don’t have Microsoft Word.
Since I was too stupid to go back and forth, I found something better:
Thanks to OpenOffice and LibreOffice, there are now free Word alternatives. And I am no longer dependent on the job center to write applications.
I would have had to go to the job center 30 km a day and back by train. Including an hour waiting time. No.
Half an hour waiting time is for what? The PC’s, or where do you have to wait?
I don’t know if our JC offers this. Costs PNV almost 6 euros each time. I haven’t. OpenOffice and LibreOffice – do I need internet???
Yes, if you have bad luck, you sit down the ars*h or stand your legs in the abdomen;)
Because the train is always on time
Then you just have to choose the right time to go to the train so you don’t have that long waiting time.
Because they’re only driving every 1.5 hours. There are people where the job center isn’t around the corner. Mine is 30 km away
And how’s that long waiting time? Are you at the train from home too early?
On the train! One hour waiting time in addition to the ride
No, it can’t. Not everyone has to have a computer. is also a financial question, especially in rural areas the fast internet.
As you say, there’s a phone.
And whether you believe it or not: I know so many people who have no PC
I know VIELE people who have neither PC nor cell phone in any form. Even a person without a fixed telephone. There is a great deal of thought about what is really important – and you also write letters privately, meet very often personally and this is very valuable …