Kann das Betrug sein?
Hi, ich verkaufe zur Zeit 5 Mangas bei Kleinanzeigen und ein Interessent hat mir das Geld per Paypal geschickt. Aber die Adresse, die die Person mir geschickt hat hat einen anderen Namen als der, der bei Paypal angegeben ist. Jetzt behauptet meine Mutter, dass das Betrug ist. Im Kleinanzeigen Account ist keine Adresse öffentlich hinterlegt.
Könnte das Betrug sein?
If the name on the PayPal payment does not match the name on the specified delivery address, this could be a hint of fraud.
If no address is stored in the classified account, this could mean that the buyer tries to conceal his identity.
Fraudmakers could try to get you to send the goods to another address or make additional payments.
Ask why the names are different. There could be a harmless explanation.
Make sure that the payment was sent as “goods and services” and not as “friends and family”, as only the first buyer protection offers.
Send the goods only to the address deposited with PayPal and request a signature on delivery.
You can only send to the address stored at PayPal, or you lose the only bit of sales protection you have at all.
And I will never understand why you offer PayPal as a private seller.
Yes, if Meier pays and you should send the stuff to Müller, Meier comes and he says he didn’t get the stuff.
Yeah, that could be fraud. The one who gave the money could then claim to have got nothing.
Your mother is 100% right!
If you have to send Paypal to the address deposited with PP, the buyer will get his money back in doubt!
I don’t see that. The main indication of fraud is that someone wants something from you, at least for the time being, without compensation. But since he sent you the money, I’d let him get your article. I don’t care where it goes. I got my money.
And then he submits the buyer protection at pp and gets his money back back because the seller cannot prove IHM to have sent the package!
This can be withdrawn very quickly.
Can it be that you have no idea of Paypal, buyer protection and fraud at Paypal?
Can’t you check that no one tries to sneak Mangas worth a few euros? If you have to look at every euro, my heartfelt condolences.