Kann dagegen der Arzt sofort was machen?
Bin sehr müde,hab Kopfschmerzen,mir ist schwindelig und Vorallem die Müdigkeit schränkt mich in der Arbeit ein und belastet mich im Alltag. Hab auch meistens niedrigen Blutdruck und denke das der Blutdruck das Problem sein könnte.
Wenn ich das dem Arzt sage mit niedrigen Blutdruck kann er mir dann was verschreiben und hilft das sofort?
Sonst hätte ich ja morgen vor der Arbeit zum Arzt hingeschaut.
Bin auch schon öfter ohnmächtig auch geworden. Und möchte mich endlich richtig fit fühlen in den Arbeit 🙁
Wäre aber Donnerstag sonst auch beim Arzt gewesen wegen Blutabnahme, könnte auch bisdahin warten, nur dann ist das Problem müsste noch 2 Tage Arbeit durchstehen 😩 Und wenn ich jetzt schon Medikamente hätte vhl wäre dann alles leichter.
Das wollte ich dem Arzt zeigen:
If you are incapable of work, you can also have a medical certificate.
Whether a direct medication helps you depends on the cause of your symptoms.
Which increases blood pressure great seems not to exist at all. Thought there was something great. Because there’s a high blood pressure. I usually have 80 to 65. What’s good with me. It was already much lower. The doctor can only write sick with me. I have tablets from which I can take up to 3 (early, midday, evening). so until 9 a day. But if I take 1 or 3 doesn’t matter, it’s just as minimal…
But what the doctor can do… write sick. I recommend getting sick. on Thursday blood collection …
… no matter what job. because if heart can no longer push, can push with a lot of espresso, but not help the heart, but can ask him more than there can be. what is going on. I guess you’re not so fit anymore. … even if you’re really young. I’m just over 30. But I was already overloaded in the juvenile and kept this until the body had blood pressure dropping into the cellar and no longer wanted/contested
There are no drugs against low blood pressure. However, the secondary causes of circulatory disorder should be clarified:
Your doctor will advise you. Good
Hmm, I had – at the beginning of my studies – sometimes for a long time problems with quite low blood pressure… and my then Famulatur-Doc recommended Etilefrin, which was also quite helpful in time (I had a nursing job / night shift) and my dizziness” attacks markedly reduced.
Wouldn’t you use it (more)?
Should in any case be clarified as blood pressure has fallen very far on some days.
Good improvement.
Thank you
You won’t get medication for higher blood pressure. But recommendations that you can implement right now. Hot/cold showers in the morning. Stop cold. Some caffeine-containing drink, coffee or tea. Generally enough drink. A lot of exercise and sports activity. Don’t get up too fast and jolty, but only bring the muscles into activity, feet up/down, toes claw.. then get up slowly.
Otherwise, your blood pressure is not bad. Better lower than high blood pressure.
Always tell everyone who doesn’t have the problem. Because workers don’t care how low your blood pressure is. If you don’t want to (bar) get on the drop list. if there’s no reason, you’ll just get out.
What’s wrong with you? The questioner asked for help with low blood pressure and I gave tips on how to get in motion. It is a mistaken assumption that such a thing can be treated medicamentally.
If you have problems with your AG, what do I have to do with it?
But you’re right, you don’t think it’s normal to be so tired, then headaches and dizzy. Low blood pressure can be very stressful 🙁
Something wrong. I didn’t mean evil, and I’m sure it wasn’t just like that with me. — I’m just still excited by the saying that low would not be a problem and so great because “healthy” for vessels. but is really misery at all with low blood pressure. — if you’re sure you haven’t noticed anything wrong because tired) so I apologize for incomprehensible description. (with tonlage in the verbal would have heard that it was not meant to attack by me).
If you don’t feel workable then stay at home and let the doctor write you sick.
Your RR looks good tonight if it’s a 156, it’s almost too high but still okay. What’s noticeable, though, is that your RR is low, sometimes syst. 86 and then a few hours later only at just syst. >100… you should always keep an eye on whether medicinal or conservative. Make sure you drink enough and move away enough despite dizzying.
LG Kira
If you really should have fainted more often, then your current task is to visit a doctor as soon as possible. You shouldn’t wait two days until a doctor examines you. Good
Was already 2x in the hospital and at the doctor, I made up a family doctor that I was supposed to be taking blood on Thursday. But he doesn’t know anything about low blood pressure, and Friday I’ve already fainted again and this time even with tingling in my fingers and briefly deaf, that’s new.
I’m not sure if Thursday is enough to tell him all this or if I couldn’t go tomorrow?
So if you feel stable right now, you can wait until tomorrow morning but definitely no longer here is your health going ahead and work has to be put back. You should urgently go to the family doctor tomorrow and inform him about the powerlessness and also give him your concerns.