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in the youth your brain resurrected. This is a complicated process that can be disrupted by drugs such as cannabis. My lasting damages are a concentration weakness, and with external stimuli I can handle extreme worse than before (I will quickly get too much and I need rest)
I have also really exaggerated with the ciffing in the time
oh mann, there will be no more change with me.
What are you talking about?
That with the slow thinking and concentration problems hit me completely
There seems to be evidence that cannabis use can have a negative impact on brain development.
Here is a longer answer that might interest you: “Ciffs?”,
Yes, it can. But it doesn’t have to.
See Barack Obama, who began to buff early in his youth. (Google “Obama Cannabis Biography”).
From Snoop Dogg, I can’t imagine that he only started to consume cannabis as an adult.
It is important – if you are not able to leave your fingers off the dope as a young person – that you are intensively engaged in the subject before and learn to deal with cannabinoids in a reasonable way. Reading “Rauschzeichen” (Wurth and Geyer) would be a good start.
Yes, it can
The special thing about this drug is that it is nothing special. ✋
Yes, the brain can still be developed during youth.
Clear YES! And from this it is generally recommended: FINGER WEG VON DEN DROGEN!!!