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5 months ago

In the dipping process itself, this happens very rarely, actually not at all. However, there is a danger during transport. The bottle just needs to fall around, and the valve will be shut down.

Last year, for example, a diving instructor has been accidental, with a bottle exploded. There was something special. There are two types of threaded connections that are similar but are not compatible. If you use the wrong thread, the valve can tear out of the bottle by itself.

In addition, a compressed air bottle must be regularly checked as to whether internal corrosion has occurred, which can also lead to breakage (or as a grate to block the valves). The bottles can only be badly protected against corrosion on the inside, which is why dried air is taken for filling and the bottle is never completely emptied except for testing.

5 months ago

That doesn’t make any sense. The lower you dip, the higher the pressure from the outside. If anything, then a bottle would implode.

5 months ago

No. What’s going to explode?