Kann beim Rettungsdienst ein BFD oder FSJ machen?
Hallo zusammen, wie oben schon im Titel die Frage steht, würde ich gerne wissen, ob das möglich ist. Ich hab schon im Internet geschaut aber irgendwie finde ich dazu nichts beziehungsweise es ist meistens zu weit weg. Vielleicht kennt ihr ja irgendwelche Seiten oder könnt mir sagen, ob das überhaupt möglich ist
This can be extremely different regionally.
In, for example, BaWü, FSJler and BFDler are the absolute normal case in the rescue service, since almost every rescue service provider offers appropriate positions. Note in this respect that there are not “the DRK” or “the ASB” but different DRK circles, Maltesers and ASB regional associations… each of which operates rescue services or not.
In Thuringia, FSJler is completely unknown in the rescue service. If not provided, will not be done, so you will not find any places.
Germany can be so different!
Basic Tip: Questions cost nothing.
So look at what rescue services are going in your region (which DRK Circle, ASB Regional Association, etc.) and just write an e-mail there whether they offer FSJ jobs in the rescue service or not.
Yes, it is possible in principle. The full-year and driving licence of Class B, however, are basic requirements.
https://www.drk.de/engage/voluntary services-im-drk/das-voluntary-social-year-beim-drk/
Thank you!
Sure, I wanted to take the way.
Mega, but unfortunately there is no rescue service :/
Pronounce the local carriers from the rescue service: fire department, Drk, Johanniter. Etc.
It can be different everywhere
Thank you.