Kann aus euer Sicht?

Jeder das im Leben erreicht was er möchte. Mit der Voraussetzung, dass er gesund ist.

Der eine möchte Soldat werden.

Der eine Fußballer.

Die eine Doktorin.

Die eine Pilotin usw.

Denkt ihr, dass man ein gewisses Talent braucht oder, dass jeder das in seinem Leben erreichen kann was er will, wenn er hart arbeitet und sich nur seinem Ziel hingibt?

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1 month ago

Health is relative, as so much. I don’t think you can achieve anything if you just want. Talents and talents are already needed. Some people are not fully aware of responsibility and challenges in a profession. For all things, you need readiness for learning and suffering. This is particularly true in difficult situations. In addition to health, depending on the profession, you may also need a strong psyche. It is often necessary to overcome his inner pig dog and be very disciplined.

1 month ago

I think that every person can achieve all goals if he or she wants it with full conviction and consciousness

Example: Someone wants to become astronaut as a child.

Then he will be able to do it when he does all his life and all his spare time.

That it seems objectively impossible to give up most.

Which little bubble does want to learn physics every day for 10 hours and work on a 1.0 abi? At the same time, keeping physically extremely fit. Then the Bachelor and Master in Physics on 1.0, and still semester abroad in Princeton and still Dr. with Summa Cum laude. Who wants to learn so much?

Who wants this? Many. Who does that? The least.

But if you really leave everything aside and every single minute of your everyday life is based exclusively on one goal, trimming your CV perfectly for its goal, you will also create it.

1 month ago

No, I don’t think so. Because dreams of this kind are more condemned to failure.

You should think realistic. Talent and discipline are necessary to achieve something. One should know oneself very closely to set oneself a high goal.

It’s not enough to wish.

1 month ago

No, don’t think so. Some of them don’t start with the right support, but without Moos. If money is missing for school or education, the necessary knowledge/intellect also does not bring anything. Are still bakers 🙂

1 month ago
Reply to  Maestro11334

But not like a physicist or something.

1 month ago
Reply to  BlackSoul818

Baker needs it too.

1 month ago

Everyone reaches what he wants in life. With the condition that he is healthy.

No, impossible.

You can’t become anything you want, but you can become a lot.

1 month ago
Reply to  Maestro11334

Someone who wants to become a singer but doesn’t have the right voice will not be as famous as someone who has a voice for it from the beginning. There’s always a border somewhere.

1 month ago

No. Soldier? You could almost always be possible.

Footballers? There’s nothing without a proper portion of talent.

Doctor. A One Abitur condition. You just have to be pretty smart.

Pilot: with a stable psyche and good sense of responsibility? If you have enough money for training. Costs €120,000 at Lufthansa. Deposit and cancel every month. Two years of training

1 month ago

Not everyone

LG Show1Runner

1 month ago

In a way YES. Only God’s employees can’t be without his spirit despite talent.

1 month ago

I think everyone has a talent in themselves. It is important to find out what your strengths, weaknesses and talents are. Listen to your guts and do what you want.

1 month ago

Such things can definitely reach everyone – some have more talent and others have to invest more time and money.

1 month ago

No, not everyone can reach and become anything.