Kaninchengehge verbinden Tipps ??


Ich habe eine Frage und zwar ich habe einen Stall den ich gerne mit meinem Freigehge verbinden würde das Freigehege steht auf der Wiese das sind ungefähr 3m. Ich würde das gerne mit einem Tunnel machen. Ich habe zum eine die Hompage mit dem Zippi Tunnel gefunden da finde ich keine genauen Maße wie lang der Tunnel ist und ob ich das auch an anderen Markenställe dran machen kann und das ist ja ziemlich Teuer. Würde das auch mit Sickerungsrohre funktionieren wenn ja welche hat da jemanden Tipps ? Es müsste für 2 Kaninchen artgerecht sein.

Danke im voraus

Liebe Grüße

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3 years ago

I just looked at the Zippi tunnel on the Omlet homepage, and I am very skeptical. I wouldn’t recommend.

Aeration looks good enough for oxygen supply, but with regard to temperature, I would fear that the tunnel heats up very when it comes to sunshine and that the heat is in it.
If a rabbit on the way through the 3m tunnel in the summer got a hit and remained in it, you don’t see the problem immediately and don’t get the rabbit out of the tunnel quickly.

By 18 cm in diameter, a single rabbit passes well, but not two rabbits.
In a group consisting of only two dwarf rabbits, this would not be too big a problem, because a low-ranked animal would turn around in the tunnel and run back to clear the way for the boss or boss.
In the case of larger breeds that cannot simply turn around in it, or in a group of more than two animals that could wedge a weaker rabbit between two stronger ones, evil injuries could result.
Just as I always plead against bunk cages with only a single access to the upper floor or against cottages with only a single entrance, I would also refuse meter-long tubes because in disputes the escape routes are missing.

I would probably build a tunnel relatively inexpensively myself from 6 of such screed grids: https://www.obi.de/baustahlbaugitter/catnic-estrichgitter-verzinkt-200-cm-x-100-cm/p/7176605
I’d tie it with wire tight and stable to a triangular tunnel.
With 100cm edge length, not only rabbits can pass well, but also a human can crawl through if any emergency occurs.
I just drew a little sketch in which form I would wire 6 plates together:

3 years ago
Reply to  Corinna2015

P.S.: I don’t know the mesh density of the screed grid, maybe a marten would fit through the interspaces. If the tunnel is supposed to be safe at night, you’d probably have to attach narrow-mesh chicken wire to it.
Building directly from chicken wire would be more difficult because the stability is lacking, then wooden frames would be the solution to which chicken wire is stacked.