Kaninchen von eBay Kleinanzeigen?

Hi, ich möchte mir als Haustiere 2 Kaninchen anschaffen, 1 männliches und 1 weibliches (das männliche lass ich dann kastrieren). Meine Mutter meinte, wir sollen uns von eBay Kleinanzeigen welche angucken… wie sicher ist das? und ist es besser, Kaninchen von eBay Kl. zu holen oder aus der Zoohandlung? (Ich weiß, Tierheim ist am besten, aber bei mir in der Nähe gibt es keins.) Ist es ok, Kaninchen von eBay Kleinanzeigen zu kaufen?

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3 years ago


You need to make sure that the previous owner has treated the rabbits well and knows about rabbits. I’m sure there’s a lot of insane vendors who just want to make money. Make sure you don’t get someone like that. I’d rather not be greeted by the zoo specialist trade. But again to Ebay classifieds: Yes, you can. But be sure that it is not an insane provider that sells its rabbits for a lot of money. Check in any case whether the animals are healthy, whether they come from good posture etc. Otherwise a lot of fun with the Ninis🐰.


3 years ago

I already have 4 Nins of Ebay classifieds and it has always worked well. The other two then I have from an animal rescue station or as that means, but I also saw the ad on classifieds. So, as you can see, this has gone well.

We couldn’t get them from shelters because we kept them out and have always brought us Nisn in winter. Zooshop, please don’t! The sensuous animals that are not good at all and are stuffed with dry food. You’d rather keep going a little bit.

3 years ago

At ebay classifieds, you can, of course, save rabbits from bad posture, which will be right after you there. So you could give at least 2 healthy animals a beautiful home.

3 years ago
Reply to  DasNeueProfil

For older animals, the argument can be valid, but if you pay money for young animals, the bad owner immediately “produced” new young animals, as long as he can earn money. It is not a real rescue if new animals have to suffer immediately because of a “smart” animal.

3 years ago

Some bad ways. But better from private where you can look at the parents and the attitude and also should be absolutely, than from anonymous trade.


Which place does a zoo store have no shelter nearby?

3 years ago
Reply to  Yetanotherpage

With us you drive half an hour to both because our zoo store has no nins. But theoretically, they could, and then we would have to go to the shelter so far.

3 years ago

I’d call before or call her.

Bv. I just need to ask my boss… his daughter got two rabbits and at once it’s seven.

3 years ago

If you Older Animals Private It is not much to be objected to Ebay classifieds. Some rabbit holders, who have to leave their pets for a reason, are looking for a good new home for their animals through such websites to save them the shelter temporary stay.

Please do not buy young animals in the zoo trade or on classified ads!
As long as unscrupulous rabbit replicators (all ahead zoo shops) earn money with young animals, animal suffering continues.

… and something else:
If “there is no shelter near me” is an important argument for you, please find before the purchase of rabbits, whether there is an animal clinic and Sunday veterinarian emergency services near you. Not that your rabbit holding suddenly turns into cruel animal cruelty when a rabbit gets sick on Saturdays and with the argument “There is no animal clinic near me” for days suffers bad pain and goes miserably.

3 years ago

Yes, of course! Often you can give rabbits a new (better) beautiful home!

LG and fun with your rabbit 🌟🌟🐇

3 years ago
Reply to  Hasenbossdame

I meant “deine” because you can’t keep them alone

3 years ago

I have my guinea pig of Ebay, the owners were really nice and had kept it kindly ðŸTM‚

3 years ago

Animals for sale in principle not on the Internet.

Only because of this, there are still people who believe that you can make a bargain.

3 years ago

Call the vet.

Maybe he knows a rabbit breeder near you.

3 years ago

I would rather look at willingness, there are also breeders

3 years ago

on ebay no live animals are traded

3 years ago
Reply to  flammenherz17

Then write it.

3 years ago
Reply to  flammenherz17

this is also not a reputable platform, even if it is operated by ebay. that is just as “uncensored” as a small ad in the daily newspaper.

3 years ago

Best with shipping!