Kaninchen Tod?
Heute musste ich Abschied von meinem Kaninchen nehmen. Es war zwar erst seit ein paar Monaten bei uns, aber trotzdem habe ich an ihm gehangen. Ich habe so gehofft dass sie wieder gesund wird doch das sollte nicht sein. Als ich erfahren habe, habe ich geweint, aber danach gar nicht mehr und ich habe später sogar gelacht. Jetzt fühle ich mich schlecht.
For the first time, I am very sorry for you:(
This always hurts – no matter how long the animal was with us.
Remember that the months your little buddy was with you were certainly very nice months for him💕 Keep your rabbit in good memory and let the grief shut! You may be sad about this and it is also completely legitimate!
And that with the laugh is actually no rarity and nothing to be ashamed of. Especially in such exceptional situations it can happen that you laugh. This is a kind of protective mechanism from the body.
You don’t need to feel bad. You cry because your rabbit was important to you and you had a deep relationship with each other.
It is good and right to allow the mourning. However, we must not drown in our grief. It is important that you still feel fun in other things.
Besides, not only crying means mourning. We mourn still – even if we laugh.
But let me tell you, I feel with you. Four days ago, my kid also lost his fight against the disease.
I’m sorry.
“When an amigo goes, the evening is over.
It was so beautiful with him, but now it’s time.” -Karl Heinz Ulrich-
RIP. Greetings.
Don’t be sad, be proud that it had a loved and cared life for a while.