Kaninchen problem?

Hallo, heute habe ich mal wieder meine Kaninchen gewogen (Menschenwaage). Bei meinem einen männlichen Kaninchen stand 2,5 kg. Er ist ein Löwenkopf, vll noch ein bisschen zwergkaninchen, aber hauptsächlich Löwenkopf. Bei seiner Schwester (gleiche Rasse) stand auch 2,5 kg. Das ist doch zu hoch für die Rasse oder?. Und bei meinem Zwergkaninchen stand 1,9. Das ist doch auch zu hoch oder? Wenn es zu hoch ist, was kann ich machen und muss ich zum Tierarzt? Kennt sich jemand damit aus?

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3 years ago

When I weighed my rabbits with a personal scale, it was always wrong.

I put them in a large bowl instead and weighed them with my kitchen scale. 🤷🏼

It is also impossible to judge by weight whether they are overweight or not. Can you feel the spine a little without pressure? Then the weight is fine. If you have to exert pressure or cannot feel the spine, they are definitely too thick.

My Dwarf Danger weighs around the 2kg, my color dwarf just once 1.3kg.

You don’t have to be a vet. It is important that the rabbits lose the weight again. But I wouldn’t start with this in winter, but in the spring, if the winter pasture should go down anyway.

You have to change the diet so that they take less energy. Therefore, omitting leaks, seeds, root / tuber vegetables etc. Attention: Diets can end fatal in rabbits – do not reduce the amount of food! Also worry for change so that the rabbits move more.

The following link is available to read more: https://www.kaninchenwiese.de/health-magen-darm/underweight-ueberweight/

3 years ago

I don’t think your rabbit has overweight, but you can easily find out. Feeling at the back of the rabbit if you can directly scan the spine (also with ribs you can try it) should still be in the green area.

3 years ago

A standard scale has a fluctuation range of up to 2 kg and you want to weigh 2.5 kg exactly?

That doesn’t work. You have to use a scale for the weight range for which it is designed.

3 years ago

Do you have a kitchen scale? Take this, a human scale is too inaccurate.

Look here, maybe help Next:


3 years ago

You don’t weigh a rabbit with a move for people. Take a kitchen move we don’t care.