Kaninchen pinkelt sich ständig ein und ist dann Wund?
Hallo ihr lieben,
ich und meine Familie sind völlig ratlos und wissen nicht mehr, was wir noch tun sollen. Mein Kaninchen hat sich zum hundertsten Male eingepinkelt und ist deswegen komplett Wund.
Aus diesem Grund hatte er schon 2 Mal Madenbefall, was zum Glück gut ausgegangen ist.
Es kann jedoch nicht ewig so weitergehen, da es ihm natürlich auch sehr weh tut. Und abgeben können und wollen wir auch nicht, da man keine kranken Tiere abgibt und man ja sozusagen auch „kranke“ Familienmitglieder nicht abschiebt.
Selbst der Tierarzt ist ratlos.
Ich hoffe hier hat jemand irgendwelche Tipps, oder weiß woran es liegen könnte. Zumindest hoffe ich darauf.
The question is why he’s spinning.
In most cases, the rabbits have bladder inflammation, bladder stones or generally great pain. This can also occur with obesity. With old, weak rabbits, of course, you didn’t write about it now.
In obesity, the rabbit must clearly decrease. In case of physical problems, you have to become a vet.
Change the vet. Veterinaries for small animals often have little experience with rabbits, which is why it makes sense to talk to a pet veterinarian.
Thank you for your answer!
Especially Dick is not and old is not. We’ve been to the vet so many times. Maybe I should really look around for another one.
Look for a doctor who knows about rabbits. That’s not all veterinarians do. He then has an additional training.
I had a long time, but none of this did, don’t know, would change the vet. mine always ran free in the apartment and went on a catsan box with catsan in it or with sand from the playground in there on time or in catsklo with saws inside. Sleeping at night are in a cage, in which also time and joy and humble were or slept freely in the room on the sessel sitting opposite my bed. with the right one, yours would also like to go to the catzenklo and you have to let them rest completely when they are to be stubborn and go to the katzenklo and never disturb at the moment when they go in and lift up the cock and urinate.
Thanks for your quick answer! The two live outside in the garden, so it is not necessary to get the two stubborn.
but this is too cold at night and in winter he may have a bladder infection? or he’s afraid of predators like birds and foxes, so he’s peeing.
You can’t give cat litter to the toilet. The stuff is highly toxic to rabbits.
Yes, their stable is designed with a lot of straw in winter. And, of course, the outlet is also covered.
I don’t know exactly. it depends. do they have a warm stall, where they can get in at night and that is made at night? with heu? they are not allowed to stay outside without a dach above the head on the meadow alone. in nature canines live at night under the earth in safe caves, come out to eat during the day, fly at night and make the animals fear, they can kill etc. .
Okay, thanks.